STRI (STC Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute) registers local patent for method to mass produce pluripotent stem cells without side effects

STRI (STC Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute) registers local patent for method to mass produce pluripotent stem cells without side effects
Korea Economic Daily
January 8, 2016
*Below press release was covered at the Korea Economic Daily, edaily, ajuEconomic Daily and SBSCNBC, Seoul Daily.
STRI (STC Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute, Chairman Kye-ho Lee) announced its registration of local patent on the method to mass produce its pluripotent stem cells without side effects. The same will undergo application and registration in 146 different countries.
The patented technology uses latest cell differentiation and cultivation technology, along with low molecular weight compound extracted from a natural compound. Such enables mass production of a mesenchymal stem cell and pluripotent stem cells without side effects as a consequence.
“Using mesenchymal stem cell as source and treating it with a low molecular weight compound derived from a natural compound, we were able to discover a pluripotent stem cell without side effects. Its significance lies in being able to mass produce such pluripotent stem cells without side effects while the same will continue to maintain its functionality,” remarked Dr. Alex Lee from STRI. He added, “This technology will enable us to discover a more efficient and economic means of cell therapy.”
Such mass production will be available not only for the pluripotent stem cell itself but also of its derived cells including the pancreatic beta cell, hepatocyte, neurocyte, chondrocyte and osteoblast. Such discovery offers a wholly new paradigm in the field of cell therapy that is not only effective but also highly approachable.
Chairman Kye-ho Lee of STRI remarked, “Significance of the patented technology lies in it overcoming the limitations faced by the research & developments using the conventional iPSC (Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell) technology and is expected to bring a whole new dimension in cell therapy development.”