STC Looks into 3D Bio-Printing Using Stem Cells

STC Looks into 3D Bio-Printing Using Stem Cells
Chosun Biz
Jul 23, 2015
South Korean life sciences company STC( has begun research into 3D Bio Printing as part of its strategy to gain competitive edge in the next generation tissue regeneration technology.
3D Bio Printing is a technology that reproduces artificial organs or human body tissues resembling actual tissues by shooting out stem cells and growth factors that make up a human body into the 3D Bio Scaffold. Artificial skin, cartilage and bone is already commercialized and more recently the technology is evolving into reproduction of various functional organs including urinary bladder, heart muscles, liver and nerves.
According to STC, its team of researchers are working on ways to reproduce artificial organs by first differentiating Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS) into the targeted organ cells and using the 3D Printer, the goal will be to settle the stem cell by either building up the cells one by one or by creating scaffold using protein.
“STC developed Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells possess the ability to differentiate into every organ cells including nerves, blood vessels and cells from target organs. This means we will be able to reproduce a complete artificial organ complex which may include heart, kidneys, liver or skin that may replace damaged organs and this will significantly enhance the quality of life for mankind,” remarked Lee Kye Ho, Chairman of STC Group.
Established in 1989, STC has come up with the newly elicited pluripotent stem cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS) and further in 2013 has successfully managed to differentiate the pluripotent stem cells into the pancreas cells, chondrocyte, osteoblast, adipocyte, hepatocyte and nerve cells and moreover is in the process of recreating every cells, tissues and organs