STC Successfully Differentiates its Pluripotent Stem Cell into a Pancreas Cell

STC Successfully Differentiates its Pluripotent Stem Cell into a Pancreas Cell
– Treating diabetes using pancreas cell
Maeil Business Daily
December 3, 2014
STC Life subsidiary Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute (STRI, that they have successfully differentiated its Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS) into a β cell, with an insulin control function inside a pancreas. Not only is the STC-nEPS without side effects but it is also capable of differentiating into every organs and tissues.
Upon developing the Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS), STRI (Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute) researchers have induced its differentiation into a β cell and after seven days have confirmed that the STC-nEPS was transformed into a β cell. Furthermore tracking of the insulin genes characteristic of the β cell showed that a complete β cell was created.
On top of the successful differentiation of the β cell , research team at STRI(Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute) also succeeded in differentiating the same into multiple cells within a short period of time. Excellent safety of the research outcome showing no side effects is expected to be immediately applicable in treating diabetes patients.
“Development of the technology that successfully differentiated a Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS) into the pacreas β cell will not only alleviate symptoms but will be able to treat the fundamentals of what created the illness. With the Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS) and development of the cell differentiation technology, STC Life will be able to lead the world stem cell industry to develop related cell treatments that will make us become a world leading life science company.,” remarked Kye-ho Lee, Chairman of STC Life.
Established in 1989, STC Life has developed Newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cells without side effects by natural compound (STC -nEPS). STC Life specializes in the research and development of stem cells, new drugs and gene related to controlling oxygen free radical inside human body(p62), life sciences, along with agricultural research and development using energy water.