2021년 8月 24일News_cnBy stcbio Alopecia treatment using minimally manipulated human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Three case reports and review of literature https://www.wjgnet.com/2307-8960/full/v9/i15/3741.htm
2021년 8月 24일News_cnBy stcbio Psoriasis treatment using minimally manipulated umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells: A case report https://www.wjgnet.com/2307-8960/full/v9/i23/6798.htm
2021년 8月 24일News_cnBy stcbio Treatment of acute ischemic stroke by minimally manipulated umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells transplantation: A case report https://www.wjgnet.com/1948-0210/full/v13/i8/1151.htm