STRI(STC STEM CELL TREATMENT & RESEARCH INSTITUTE) discovered world’s first pluripotent stem cell that is without side effects and also mass producible and immediately applicable on human body, and named it as STC-nEPS(newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem cells without side effects by natural compound).
STC has applied and been registering 453 patents in 147 countries, and related 309 patents registered in USA, EU, ISRAEL, SINGAPORE, KOREA, JAPAN etc.
STRI has studied life science for the past 30 years with a vision of opening a new future by making all organs and tissues of human and cell medicine based on stem cells. Also STRI is collaborating with Fraunhofer University in Germany and a prominent university in Korea based on the differentiated hepatocyte, neurocyte, and beta cell from nEPS.
With a vision for Young 120 years Olds and Healthy 140 Years Olds and to create a world free from starvation, STRI(STC STEM CELL TREATMENT & RESEARCH INSTITUTE) will continue to develop new technologies to benefit the mankind.
nEPS (newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem Cell without side effects)
What is stem cell?
Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can be differentiated into specialized cells and divided to produce more stem cells, and are extracted during the embryo development. There are two broad types of stem cells; embryonic stem cells that have not been differentiated yet and adult stem cells that may be taken from bone marrow or adipose cells, and that can be utilized for a specific tissue, using a self-stem cell when necessary.

Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can be differentiated into specialized cells and divided to produce more stem cells, and are extracted during the embryo development. There are two broad types of stem cells; embryonic stem cells that have not been differentiated yet and adult stem cells that may be taken from bone marrow or adipose cells, and that can be utilized for a specific tissue, using a self-stem cell when necessary.
nEPS(newly Elicited Pluripotent Stem cells without side effects) developed by STC is a technology that will change the quality of life and the paradigm of world bio industry.
nEPS business is divided into therapy, supply, growth factor, drug non-clinical test, rejuvenescent cell, cell differentiating medicine, artificial organ development and the details are as follows.

01 Treatment business(Total medical service)
– Stem cell specialized hospitals
– Stem cell R&D center
– Medical hotels
– Stem cell banks

02 nEPS supply business
Stem cell hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and R&D center oriented customized disease treatment

03 Growth factor supply business
A general term of polypeptide which is generated during stem cell culture. A component for body and amino acid that is related to control and regeneration in the function of controlling the body and supplying nutrition, hormones that controls physiological functions, enzyme necessary for chemical reaction inside of body.
– Cosmetics ingredients for moisture, anti-aging, recovery of damaged skin, whitening and anti-wrinkle etc.
– Ingredients for recovery ointment of damaged skin such as skin, cornea
– Ingredients for food supplements

04 Drug screening business
nEPS cell experiment possesses the following features, for the drug screening market which is growing to be worth of 11trillion won.
– Efficacy and toxicology test by differentiating nEPS to human cells
– Excellent human verification effect
– Free from ethical issues

05 Rejuvenescent cell
nEPS is a pluripotent cell that treats incurable disease and functions as anti-aging but in two years, we are going to develop nEPS2 which will add rejuvenating function to nEPS pluripotent cell.

06 Cell differentiating medicine
By inducing to be differentiated to a specific cell by adding natural compound or growth factor, it will directly replace organ cells, which leads to reduced treatment cost and increased effect.
– Fundamental treatment of disease
– Alternative treatment of cell and organ

07 Developing artificial organs using nEPS
Research for a complete artificial organ development including heart and liver based on nEPS is being conducted. Outcome of this research is all the more promising based upon the successful differentiation of nEPS into a neurocyte, pancreatic beta cell, chondrocyte, osteoblast, adipocyte and hepatocyte.